Igår beslutade riskdagen att svenska
fartyg ska tillåts anlita väpnade vakter för att skydda sig mot pirater. Jag
ser det här som att alla investerade pengar att säkra Somalia kust har inte
gett resultat. Men Atlanta operationen har andra intressen än att skydda fartygen
som passerar utanför Somalias kust.
Ferry in Wad Alhdad
Ferry in Wad Alhadad, Blue Nile
fredag 3 maj 2013
söndag 24 mars 2013
The visit of the Sudanese Congress Party to Sweden
The visit of the Sudanese Congress Party was mainly to highlight the situation in Sudan which face a total collapse as the result of the internal armed conflict in the country. During a one-week visit to Stockholm more than ten meetings were conducted with Sudanese diaspora, government officials and representatives of civil society organizations in the country. The visit was covered by local media and on Sudanese websites.
fredag 22 mars 2013
Ett barn blev våldtagen till döds
Ett åtta-arig flicka blev våldtagen i Khartoum för ett par dagar sen. Fick veta att hon dog imorse på sjukhuset efter en operation för att ta bort hennes utrus.
Det visar bara på hur hemsst situationen är i Sudan. Det här har skett i en stad vad händer i Darfur, ösdra Kordufan och blue Nile?
lördag 26 maj 2012
Long time a way
Lots of thing happend since my last text here. It has been a wonderful time with friends, colleaques, family, relatives and many other people. This is an attempt to come back to this site to communicate with others.
måndag 28 november 2011
Ibrahim Ibbo: great show
A talented young Sudanese whose participation in our "Sing for peace" yesterday gave the evening a special flavor with a combination of new and old songs from Sudan. The people enjoyed your show and some want to see your first Album soon. Looking forward to listen to you soon.
Meskrem: professional show and interactive dance
Great amhairc songs and music from Surafel behind the keyboard. She masters of course the energetic Ethiopian dance. Strong voice, professional show and interactive dance. Hope to have Meskrem together with Henock next time.
Hamid and the secrets of the eastern region of Sudan
Hamid knows the secrets of the eastern culture by combing the best of the Tigre songs and the Sudanese songs from the eastern region. Whether he is behind the keyboard, dancing or singing you just can't stop enjoying his show.
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