Ferry in Wad Alhdad

Ferry in Wad Alhdad
Ferry in Wad Alhadad, Blue Nile

onsdag 16 december 2009

Somalias islamister syn på det humanitära stödet utifrån!!

Nedan är ett brev som skickades i slutet av november av Somalias islamister, Al-shabab, till de internationella biståndsorganisationerna i regionerna Bay och Bakool i Södra och centrala Somalia. Brevet visar tidligt på den trånga synen som islamisterna har om det internationella humanitära stödet till de behövande i Somalia. Jag bara undrar vad är egentligen ett islamiskt code of conduct som de internationella organisationerna skall följa, när islamisterna själv bryter mot dessa koder?

Islamic Administration of Bay and Bakool
CC: Governor of Bay and Bakool (Wali)
CC: Head of security for Bay and Bakool

Subject: Notice
We are notifying all agencies that operate in Bay and Bakool, that the security of the two regions are 100% ok with the will of Allah.
In regard to this, Bay and Bakool Islamic administration is hereby granting agencies access after they fulfill the following conditions.

Conditions that agencies need to fulfill are:
Agencies have to liaise with the office of the humanitarian sector of the administration for all projects they are intending to implement, in order to channel the assistance to the appropriate/needy locations.
The agency has to increase developmental operations/activities, it has to do something on the economic infrastructures in Bay and Bakool i.e. building or rehabilitating the poor roads, bridges, environmental sanitations and constructions of educational facilities while collaborating with the Islamic administration.
The agency has to distance itself from all aspects that can affect Islamic fundamentals i.e. (a) spreading Christianity (b) encouraging secularism, democracy and unfaithfulness.
Agencies have to distance themselves from all things that are against the good manners of Islamic religion/Teaching: (a) importating and drinking wines (b) encouraging prostitutions and encouraging women groups/organizations (c) bringing any type of movies/films (d) holding/observing programmes like New Year Eve or observing days like HIV/AIDS day, World Women Day, Teachers day and all those thing that can facilitate the integration of male and female.
Agencies have to substitute female workers to men for the positions they are holding at the moment, women are not allowed to work with agencies, and they are only allowed to work in the hospitals, MCHs and health centers. Female workers have to be substituted with men in three months time.
Agencies cannot communicate with anyone who is not part of the Islamic administrations of Bay and Bakool and cannot share the information between the agency and the administration to a third party.
The agency should distance itself from any thing that can lead to destabilizations/conflict. I.e. (a) creating conflict between the communities and the administration (b) creating conflict between clans and all sectors of the communities. (c) Encouraging money inflation.
Agencies should not deliver food at the time of harvesting period, if the agencies mandate is food delivery.
Agencies should not show up flags or emblems as they do now in their respective compounds or vehicles, flags or emblems that are currently in the compounds or on vehicles have to be removed immediately.
Agencies should not host another agency in its compound or premises, at any given time each agency should have their own premises for themselves and their staff only.
The agency (UNOCHA) has to pay money amounting to $ 30,000 (thirty thousand US dollar) every six months, the money will be used for security of Bay and Bakool and registration, the money has to be paid in a month time starting from 04/11/09 and it will end 04/12/09.

(No signature)

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